Ett passande citat: "For years pot was just joints, and then bongs came out and bongs were ok too, but then bongs weren't good enough for some people. "Neeehhhhhh!" Remember that friend in high school wanted to make bongs out of everything. Making bongs out of apples and oranges and shit? Come in one day and find your friend going, "Hey! Look man, I made a bong outta my head! Put the pot in this ear and take it outta this one! Good! Take a hit! *snort*" Then they got one of those big giant bongs that you gotta start up like a motorcycle. "Put the pot in!" *motor starting* Kids are driving their bongs down FDR Drive. "Pull the bong over man, I wanna do a hit. Pull it over!"
What was the problem with just smoking a joint, eating a couple of
Twinkies, and going to sleep? Was that a problem? They say marijuana
leads to other drugs. No it doesn't, it leads to fucking carpentry!
That's the problem, folks. People getting high going,
"Wow man, this box would make an excellent bong! *snort* This guy's
head would make an excellent bong! *snort*" Relax! That's why I
stopped doing drugs in the first place. Not because I didn't like 'em,
but because I didn't want to build anything, ok?"
För inspiration, kolla Swecan: Bilder på Smoketools Missa inte heller Magiska Molekylers forum. Övrigt
Bongoland har hittills haft
Denna sidan uppdaterades senast: Friday 11 September 2009 16:12. |